Monday, July 20, 2009

Musings from Vaca

I can't remember the last time I averaged 80mph on a trip. That's greatness. I bought a GPS before we left and yes, that's greatness. I'm sure there are a few features that pulled us off course once or twice but overall I can't see why anybody that travels doesn't have one. At the same time, I can't believe I waited this long to pull the trigger.

I wanted to stop by the capital and take a tour but I'm glad we didn't. I was very happy to get home and I don't think the family wanted to do any more walking. That could be a two day getaway at some point.

The Riverwalk is waaayyyy overpriced. We dropped $90 on lunch Saturday which was by far the most expensive meal on the trip. All together we spent about $400 on food for the 4 days. That's crazy.

It would have cost about $90 for the aquarium in CC but I thought that was too much. We hung out at the beach instead...good call. The morning jog on Saturday was greatness. I left the ipod at the hotel, took a few sunrise pictures (one below), and didn't fall down once.

I'm ready for another trip. Somewhere a little cooler this time. It wasn't too bad at the beach but if there wasn't a breeze, it was pretty warm. There were only a couple of times that I was miserable though.

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