Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Not gonna do it!!

Seems like every blog, web page, newspaper, email and television show is wishing everyone a merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and I even got a "have a great day" at the store this morning. Well I'm not gonna do it, not on this here blog. Not that I'm S.C.R.O.O.G.E. but those canned greetings just drive me nuts. I came up with my own a few years ago that just didn't catch on like I thought it would. C'mon people, I know you are right there with me, just join the cause. The traditional greetings just don't seem too sincere. If my dad says Merry Christmas I'll buy that one but the co-worker at the copier? They are just making small talk, "traveling this holiday?" JEEZZ. Just get outa my way and let me collate before I puke. As for all you that still think I'm Scrooge, have a Merry Frickin' HO-HO.

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