Monday, December 29, 2008

My Own Private Little Movie Preview

So we got the Dark Knight for Christmas and I discouraged my son from watching it on Saturday. Now just wait, I wanted to watch it as a family with full blown surround sound, no lights, etc. You know what I'm saying. I remember all the hype about Heath Ledger's performance and I have to agree. Greatness. Oscar??? DK. I also thought the voice of Batman was over the top and I appreciate them not hammering us with a bunch of new "toys". It was a little lengthy and I though they could cut a few scenes but isn't that the case in most movies? Oscar clip her, Golden Globe clip there, Toronto Film Festival festivus there. So anyway, on a scale from 1 to 5 I'd have to give it a 4+ish. Anybody else see it? Lemme hear from you.

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