Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tuesday is For Fishing

Today is my annual TAKS fishing trip. Since all classroom computers are shut down and we can't get into the classrooms, it is a good opportunity to check it out. Should start warming up in an hour or two so I'll run an errand or two then hope to head out about 10:00. Wish me luck.

I scheduled the MRI for my back for Thursday. Oddly enough the place I have to go is in the same parking lot as the Back Institute. After cooling down from my previous rant I came to realize that you can't just sit there (MRI machine) waiting for people to come into the office. However, they had several openings for today so there is a lot of flexibility in their schedule. Just saying.

Seems like everyone is getting caught up in the Facebook thing now. I saw where two of my friend's mothers are involved int his phenomena. Next? The 115 year old in Georgia who voted for Obama because he is for the "colored". It's her quote not mine.

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