Saturday, March 13, 2010

Weekend Musings

  • Another Saturday, another 5k. That's 4 weeks in a row and my time is gradually getting a little better. Not much but I'll take every second I can get.
  • I have to agree with Jub-Jub, I like tournaments. Basketball are great but don't hold a candle to curling. Remember that classic match between Norway and France in '03? Oh the tension!
  • Denton is a great city. I'd like to have the opportunity to choose my own utility company but other than that I really like it. There are so many active people here, running, biking, and they all seem very friendly. Example: I was running in the park the other day and passed an elderly lady walking her dog. I completed a lap and when I passed her again she gave a thumbs up and said "great job". That's pretty typical of the locals.
  • My wife is looking for a new hair stylist and I feel for her. I've tried other barbers when Reba is gone and it just doesn't compare. Good luck dear.
  • What were the best times of your life? High School? College? Now? Here's what one catholic says.
  • I've started using the exercise ball and while it doesn't seem difficult or like I'm really working out, I think it's doing some good. I got another loop in the belt back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jealous about the running. Great job!