- painted bathroom cabinet sides and kick plate
- painted the trim and header of the overhead garage door
- cleaned gutters on front of house
- took the globe off of the front porch light fixture and cleaned
- swept kitch and big room floors
- wet mopped the big room floor
- washed, dried, and folded 4 loads of laundry (most of it anyway)
- cleaned out the lint area, not filter, on dryer (everyone should do this)
- cleaned both toilets
- scrubbed boys bathtub and shower doors
- took coffee and plant to wife (not really work)
- unloaded and loaded dishwasher before and after dinner
- cooked lunch and dinner
- greased the rollers on the garage door
There might have been other things I did in passing but that's pretty much it. Not sure what today brings but isn't that always the case?