Sunday, January 30, 2011

Adventure continues

So I've continued Induction on Atkins and I've slowed a little bit but still losing a little bit. When I weighed today I came in 17.5 lbs lost, almost half way to my goal. I cheated a little bit with dry roasted peanuts but just a couple of handfuls. Phase 2, OWL, introduces nuts so if I'm cheating it's best to choose an item from the next stage. I should being that phase Feb. 8 which will be 6 weeks of induction.

I've also run every other day for a couple of weeks with 7 straight days of at least 2.25 miles. My times were getting better each time so I increased the distance and on Thursday put in 2.65. I'll look to continue that distance today and throughout the week. My time was 26:24 so I'm still on a 10 minute mile pace which I'd like to increase. I'll get back to 5k distance and then begin improving my speed. Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


I fail