Sunday, January 30, 2011

Adventure continues

So I've continued Induction on Atkins and I've slowed a little bit but still losing a little bit. When I weighed today I came in 17.5 lbs lost, almost half way to my goal. I cheated a little bit with dry roasted peanuts but just a couple of handfuls. Phase 2, OWL, introduces nuts so if I'm cheating it's best to choose an item from the next stage. I should being that phase Feb. 8 which will be 6 weeks of induction.

I've also run every other day for a couple of weeks with 7 straight days of at least 2.25 miles. My times were getting better each time so I increased the distance and on Thursday put in 2.65. I'll look to continue that distance today and throughout the week. My time was 26:24 so I'm still on a 10 minute mile pace which I'd like to increase. I'll get back to 5k distance and then begin improving my speed. Wish me luck.

Monday, January 24, 2011

New Adventure

I began Atkins on January 4. I haven't logged or entered any journal entries because I didn't know how successful I'd be. I have only cheated with two bite size dark chocolate Hershey bars and a couple of cookies a couple of weeks ago. Other than that I can't remember anything I've done to cheat. Previous versions of Atkins didn't really include vegetables but the newer version has most of the carbs coming from veggies. You have to find ways to change your current diet to include some at almost every meal and in snacks.

I've started reading the new Atkins book and it's pretty good. It can be a little complicated but I attribute that to sitting down and reading 89 pages in one day. There's also a featured article in the Feb. issue of Reader's Digest (on the cover) that's pretty good. I've also found a couple of good websites for support, and The latter has really cool features including tracking of food, exercise, calories, net carbs, etc. Very helpful.

So down the the results. Since I began 20 days ago I've lost 16 lbs. I'm still in the induction stage and plan to stay there for two more weeks. After that I'll slowly add other food choices. Welcome to my adventure, I'm about 1/3 of the way to my first weight goal.