I'm back but not in the greatest of spirits. I started sneezing just south of Waco and had one of those "uh-oh" sneezes. The one that you think, "I might just be getting sick or allergies firing up." By midday of Wed I was sneezing, blowing my nose, and just feeling kinda yuck. I think I'm allergic to politicians or Longhorns...maybe both.
After I got to the hotel I ran 2.75 miles in the fitness room then walked along the lake. I should have been tired after getting up at 2:30 am but just kept going. I retired to the room and thought I'd take a nap. Couldn't do it. I was watching Forrest Gump but got kinda bored waiting for the Stars to come on. I actually got out the
Gideon's bible and read for a while. The history of the group, certain recommendations for scripture. I can't say I've ever read a Bible in a hotel but it was rewarding. Did I mention I shared a room with Paul Bunyon on Tuesday? OMG.
I got finished with the vendor area on Thursday and left about 3:30 pm and for some reason all kinds of idiots did not want me to leave.
A special shoutout to the Chevron station for everything being broken. I finally arrived in Denton at 7:02 pm and could not wait to get in bed. And then for the third night in a row, got very little sleep. I'm running on fumes and need to refuel soon. I sure with these sneezes would stop and I'm buying stock in Klenex. Enough whining.
I am very happy to be home and see my lovely wife and kids. Everyone should be so lucky.