Sunday, November 30, 2008
Just because
Since there are 30 days in November and I have 29 posts this month, I had to get one more on. First month I've averaged one per day. So I guess this is the lamest one too. No deep thoughts, no words of wisdom, no wonder of the word. I will say this though, Secret Millionaire looks really bad. We've already seen the ending for some of these guys so where's the drama? Do they all get thrown onto an island and have to compete to get rewards like caviar, champagne, diamonds? Now that I might watch...NOT.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Please go home
-My in-laws have been here since Wednesday evening and it's time to kick them out. They were supposed to leave yesterday but that trip was delayed when one of them got a sore shoulder and needed to go to the quack shack. I've been on the sofa for three straight nights and would like to have my bed back, I'll just leave it at that. Just said good morning and got a big layout. NICE. Could it be they're just as tired of me as I am of them?
-One more regular season game for Tech and that makes me happy-sad. Glad to have only one loss so far this year but the stress is killing me. Week in and week out. Bowl games aren't nearly as stressful to me for some reason.
-Go Cowboys! No, not those cowboys, the OSU cowboys. That's the first time I've used cowboys three oops four times in one paragraph since grade school.
-I don't want to go back to work on Monday. It's cyber Monday which means our Internet at work will be slower than slow. I'm sure I'll get several complaints.
-Anybody out there care about the BCS? I would like to have a copyright on those three little letters. I'll bet it's been said a gajillion times on TV and radio just this week. I'd be rich beyond my wildest dreams.
-I was sooooo tempted to upgrade my LCD TV yesterday. We got ours 4 years ago and we can get so much more TV for the money right now. Ours is great but man, we could go with a 65" Sharp (almost) for the same amount.
-One more regular season game for Tech and that makes me happy-sad. Glad to have only one loss so far this year but the stress is killing me. Week in and week out. Bowl games aren't nearly as stressful to me for some reason.
-Go Cowboys! No, not those cowboys, the OSU cowboys. That's the first time I've used cowboys three oops four times in one paragraph since grade school.
-I don't want to go back to work on Monday. It's cyber Monday which means our Internet at work will be slower than slow. I'm sure I'll get several complaints.
-Anybody out there care about the BCS? I would like to have a copyright on those three little letters. I'll bet it's been said a gajillion times on TV and radio just this week. I'd be rich beyond my wildest dreams.
-I was sooooo tempted to upgrade my LCD TV yesterday. We got ours 4 years ago and we can get so much more TV for the money right now. Ours is great but man, we could go with a 65" Sharp (almost) for the same amount.
Friday, November 28, 2008
It's madness I tell you...Madness

I braved the traffic, weather and crowds to check out the bargains at Circuit City this morning. It wasn't nearly as crowded as I thought it would be but there were plenty of pine cones (inside joke). The Wal-Mart and Target parking lots were pretty full and the Best Buy was waaaayyyy crowded. I did not get the item I went in for but they had so many others on sale that were basically the same thing I was able to spend my caish. I stopped by Kroger on the way home to get some milk and they were not busy at all. Note to self. Check the grocery circulars and go grocery shopping on Black Friday while everyone else is sloshing through the big deals at the department stores.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I didn't want dinner because the lunch was just amazing and I couldn't stop. I eventually did and settled in for an afternoon of football. We ended up chatting all day and although football was on, I wasn't paying too much attention. I was shocked when I saw the Tennessee score but then again they played the Lions. I smoked a turkey and a ham and OMG they were both great. I thought the turkey was the best thing on the table and nobody is sick yet. I smoked it from 5:15 am until 1:35 pm. It was very juicy and had a great mesquite flavor. Think I'll do another one for Christmas. Looks like the Horns are gonna keep scoring so maybe I'll get to go to bed a little early. Gotta go shopping in the morning see you there.
What it's about
Saw this story this morning and although there are plenty of Thanksgiving Day feel good stories out there, this one summed it up for me. It's not just being thankful for everything and everyone, it's about caring for others. Truly inspiring story.
Monday, November 24, 2008
OCD taking over
So I am officially obsessed. I could have bought all kinds of neat toys today as I ventured out to Sam's, Lowe's, Home Depot, and Target. Instead I decided to get a new carpet cleaner, not steam but hot water cleaner and a new duster. The duster has a six foot handle on it so I can get the top of the ceiling fan blades without getting out the ladder. I can also reach the vents on the ceiling, too cool. The cover can be used dry or wet on hardwood floors and can be washed when dirty. I've already used both of them. Couldn't wait til tomorrow. Sick huh? WARNING on the video below...very lame.
Good stuff

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sleepless in Denton

Well I got no sleep last night as I kept playing the game over and over in my head. It always turned out the same...65 points. That's the part that crushed me. Forget about the ineptness on the offense I just can't get over the 65. I have a new hatred for the Crimson and Cream now. I understand the need to run the score up but still don't like it even when Tech does the same. Can't we all just get along? The classy thing to do is take a knee at the 1 when up by 50 points. I think the game's well in hand and another 7 won't do much in the polls IMO. Sixty five? I was a non believer most of the season and finally believed all the hype that we could stay with them. Then the rain started. I didn't hear the thunder heck it wasn't even cloudy. But if you can't see the Tech defense drenched then you must be blind. Back to the same old Tech crap and losing more sleep about the game with Baylor. Thank god for naps.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Not so fast my friend
Big game again tonight. I posted on my hockey site that OU was 60-2 at home. They're actually 59-2 I hope I didn't jinx them. Here's a good one for you, OU (Crimson and Cream?) is 4-8 against ranked teams. Most of those are on the road including bowl games. In any case it should be a really good one. One more jinx before I go. I've felt really confident about this one all week long. Not nearly as much as the week leading up to the evil empire game.

Friday, November 21, 2008
Why can't you...
- pause the radio on the internet?
- score 168 in a collegebasketball game?
- stabilize the economy?
- remember why you walked into the kitchen?
- stop at just 4 or 5 Oreos?
- explain to me why oil is below $50 a barrel?
- leave the cats alone?
- have a great Thanksgiving?
- score 168 in a collegebasketball game?
- stabilize the economy?
- remember why you walked into the kitchen?
- stop at just 4 or 5 Oreos?
- explain to me why oil is below $50 a barrel?
- leave the cats alone?
- have a great Thanksgiving?
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Where's Waldo?
After 10 weeks of the professional football season, I have seen several cheerleader squads. I'm not going to rank them other than number one by a long shot. I challenge you to find a better, well rounder, more intelligent and attractive group of young women. Without further hesitation I bring you the Tampa Bay Buccaneerettes?
Not like today
Sunday morning
and it's cold inside. I think it was warmer outside than inside. That's pretty much greatness in my book. Takes me back to the winter storm of 07, well, this is Texas and any winter storm here is a two day event. I remember getting up and going to work but stopping at Starbucks first. On my way to the office I got the call that school was closing and to stay home. Instead of driving back home (I'll bet 1.5 hr.) I stayed at work and got a lot accomplished, rebuilding a server and installing the reading software on it. I think it was cold that day too.

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Several observations about this video, first it looks so very relaxing. Maybe it's Terry's voice, demeanor, etc. but I'm thinking about taking it up. Second, don't you just love that dog? I'll bet he rides in the front of the truck to the feed store. Third, have you ever petted a goat? Remember how their coat is very coarse and not that soft? These things look like you could use them as a pillow. Lastly, do you think they are all named Patches? Editor's note: removed due to hillbilly music in background.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
That 380 West of Denton is a crazy road. If you've been on it recently you know what I'm talking about. If you've been on it in the last 10 years you know what I'm talking about. Does the road create the crazy drivers or is it the crazy drivers that make it that way? I think it's all the gravel/dirt trucks, no doubt you've heard that several times in the past, but I don't think any of them follow the speed limit. I HATE TAILGATERS and when it's a semi-truck, it's 10X as bad. Article from 2006 that proves the dangers.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Okay, I've officially taken the baton from my dad regarding electricity waste. I want to do a case study on leaving all the lights on in the house while everyone is gone. Let's say one week. Next week use no lights at all, only candles. We can still wash the clothes and dishes (separately) and other essential appliances. Those might include:
-alarm clocks (damn it)
-garage door opener (still hate parking outside)
-PS2, PS3, wii (need my sanity at times)
How much of a savings do you think we'd see? My guess....$3.21. Next week---Were you born in the barn?
-alarm clocks (damn it)
-garage door opener (still hate parking outside)
-PS2, PS3, wii (need my sanity at times)
How much of a savings do you think we'd see? My guess....$3.21. Next week---Were you born in the barn?
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Wish I had...
-a camera on my cell phone. There was a large fire on the way back from Ft. Worth I would have liked to taken a photo of. Santa Claus spotting at Kroger I would have liked too. No red suit but lots of white beard.
-knew how to play a musical instrument well. Used to play a few including the sax but quit when we moved to Texas.
-watered the yard more in the past few weeks. I'm concerned about the nematodes I put in to get rid of the bugworms.
-a new windshield on the truck. There's a small chip, not bad, just enough to draw my attention to it every once in a while. OCD again.
-an invention to keep the bug goo off of the windshield. Maybe coat it with olive oil so they slide right off?
-friends in high places. Then I could manipulate them and rule the world!
-four more Texas Tech victories. OU/Baylor/Mizzou/Title game
-knew how to play a musical instrument well. Used to play a few including the sax but quit when we moved to Texas.
-watered the yard more in the past few weeks. I'm concerned about the nematodes I put in to get rid of the bugworms.
-a new windshield on the truck. There's a small chip, not bad, just enough to draw my attention to it every once in a while. OCD again.
-an invention to keep the bug goo off of the windshield. Maybe coat it with olive oil so they slide right off?
-friends in high places. Then I could manipulate them and rule the world!
-four more Texas Tech victories. OU/Baylor/Mizzou/Title game
Friday, November 7, 2008
Not as easy as it looks
So I just made some Rice Krispie treats (they're still popping) and I have a few questions.
1. Could the Marshmallow creme stick to the jar and spoon any worse? I looked like I was inspecting the barracks with white gloves. Note to self: don't use the jar of creme. You're not lazy if you don't.
2. Have you noticed how you rinse the jar out and the creme just floats right out? Should I heat the jar before attempting to remove?
3. Are they supposed to taste nasty while warm? They are not gooey, crunchy, tasty at all. Note: check back in 20 the recipe.
4. Is it wrong or cruel to give some to the dog? It's like crunchy peanut butter and I've done that before.
5. Exactly who did I make these for? Two of the boys have baces.
Oh well, they probably won't taste very good anyway. Isn't there a college mascot like a marshmallow? FSU Mallows?
1. Could the Marshmallow creme stick to the jar and spoon any worse? I looked like I was inspecting the barracks with white gloves. Note to self: don't use the jar of creme. You're not lazy if you don't.
2. Have you noticed how you rinse the jar out and the creme just floats right out? Should I heat the jar before attempting to remove?
3. Are they supposed to taste nasty while warm? They are not gooey, crunchy, tasty at all. Note: check back in 20 the recipe.
4. Is it wrong or cruel to give some to the dog? It's like crunchy peanut butter and I've done that before.
5. Exactly who did I make these for? Two of the boys have baces.
Oh well, they probably won't taste very good anyway. Isn't there a college mascot like a marshmallow? FSU Mallows?
First Class User Group
What is it? Email client we run in the district. Very interesting stuff although geeky:
-Active synch with iPhone and iTouch, Blackberry and most others. This means when you receive an email on your desktop, change/add/remove contacts, calendars, etc, immediate change.
-Client for iPhone in development, very cool where you can see your desktop without a computer.
-Archiving question arose and only 3 of us are running it. How can you not run it? With all the public information requests and lawsuits, it just makes sense to run. We could spend days on this subject, keep the lawyers away!! (Barry)
**Note to self, check retention periods
-There's more food here than a small army could eat and it's not even lunch time. Jason's Deli full blown breakfast...pretty good stuff.
-People watching over my should at this...creepy?
-break time, maybe more later
-Active synch with iPhone and iTouch, Blackberry and most others. This means when you receive an email on your desktop, change/add/remove contacts, calendars, etc, immediate change.
-Client for iPhone in development, very cool where you can see your desktop without a computer.
-Archiving question arose and only 3 of us are running it. How can you not run it? With all the public information requests and lawsuits, it just makes sense to run. We could spend days on this subject, keep the lawyers away!! (Barry)
**Note to self, check retention periods
-There's more food here than a small army could eat and it's not even lunch time. Jason's Deli full blown breakfast...pretty good stuff.
-People watching over my should at this...creepy?
-break time, maybe more later
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Ding Dong

The wicked witch is dead. It took four hours to kill her but damn hell dead she is. One longhorn fan at halftime said,
"We gotta hit (Tech quarterback Graham) Harrell, and we will. We’re not worried at all.” Carl Detering, a Texas student, said he believes Tech’s fans had a major impact on the Red Raiders’ victory. “Tech expects to lose the game, so if they don’t win, they’ve got nothing to lose,” Detering said. “I wish they’d shut up.”
Typical, just typical.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Vehicular Maintenance
To fix or not to fix, that is the question. Whether tis nobler... I got new tires today and what a difference. I would hope so for 535 bucks. Seems like every time a repair or maintenance is needed I want to get rid of the truck. Patience is the key, not triangulated cross-fire. In the long run (when it's paid for) it's worth it to fix...right? (Do I use too many ...'s?) Last time I got an oil change though the guy recommended new tires, fuel system check, radiator flush, etc. Total: $1300. Right! Just let me get my other wallet out and I'll take care of that. But seriously, don't you always want a newer, better, faster, better smelling vehicle? Porsche...there is no substitute. (maybe a Ford truck)
Lubbock better than Austin?
No really, this guy says so. I've always know it but just couldn't put in on paper. This guy is such a genius...nobel piece prize for this blog. Oops, he left off the dust storms, 60 mph winds notwithstanding.
Trick or Treat
Seems like there were a lot more people out last night and Ben knew 95% of them. Several houses left a bucket at the door with a sign that read "take two only". Looked like most people were honest but one of them was empty so you have to question that, right? Am I off base here? I mean, what if they had snickers and a young CrappieRaider showed up? Do you think two would be enough? Hmmm. Depends on if I was alone. My brother had a way of making me do things I wouldn't normally do. Anybody show up with a box from:
Thought this was funny too.

Thought this was funny too.
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